Richardson Cup 2015-2016 Semi-Finals

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.


Brechin Hugh R0 2087 1:0 10000Tyre Malcolm
Rutherford William0 2077 1:0 10000Watson W Peter
Grant Alan G0 2133 0.5:0.5 23580Berry Neil
Sreeves Clement0 2339 0.5:0.5 23570McKay Roderick M
Valden Petros0 2178 0.5:0.5 20900Maxwell Alistair
Taylor Allen0 1000 0:1 21520Mcgowan Daniel
Marks Ian A0 1893 0:1 20650White Alastair F
Serelis Paulius0 1000 0:1 20610Kafka Graeme
F = forfeited (opponent did not come)